Interactive information visualization of a million items

TitleInteractive information visualization of a million items
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsFekete J-D, Plaisant C
Conference NameInformation Visualization, 2002. INFOVIS 2002. IEEE Symposium on
Date Published2002///
Keywordsanimation, animation;, cards;, Computer, count;, data, diagrams;, Graphics, hardware-based, information, interactive, interpolation;, overlap, plot, scatter, stereovision;, systems;, techniques;, treemaps;, visualisation;, visualization;

Existing information visualization techniques are usually limited to the display of a few thousand items. This article describes new interactive techniques capable of handling a million items (effectively visible and manageable on screen). We evaluate the use of hardware-based techniques available with newer graphics cards, as well as new animation techniques and non-standard graphical features such as stereovision and overlap count. These techniques have been applied to two popular information visualizations: treemaps and scatter plot diagrams; but are generic enough to be applied to other 2D representations as well.
