Amitabh Varshney

Professor and Dean
3212 Iribe Center
(301) 405-2316
(301) 405-6707
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Computer Science)
Special Awards/Honors: 
National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, IEEE Fellow

Amitabh Varshney is a professor of computer science and dean of the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences.

Varshney's research focuses on exploring the applications of graphics and visualization in engineering, science, and medicine through advances in geometry processing, illumination models, perceptual rendering, and high-performance visual computing. His research results are being used in a variety of application domains such as therapeutic drug design, climate modeling, plasma physics, nano manufacturing, medical imaging, and gene sequencing.

Varshney has worked on the design and implementation of virtual walkthroughs of proposed structures, such as buildings, automobiles and submarines. His research in molecular graphics has involved devising new algorithms for parallel and analytical computation and visualization of molecular surfaces, their interfaces, and electrostatics.

Varshney has also contributed toward the development of new algorithms for a number of research areas in graphics and visualization including visual saliency, summarization of large visual datasets, automatically generating multiresolution hierarchies, procedural textures, and rendering with points, images, meshes, and volumes. He is currently exploring several applications in general-purpose high performance parallel computing using clusters of CPUs and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). He has consulted and collaborated with NVIDIA, Honda, IBM, Daimler Chrysler, General Dynamics, and Reuters.

Varshney received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, given to outstanding junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars so they can further their research in their areas of expertise, in 1995 and the IEEE Visualization Technical Achievement Award in 2004.

He was elected as a fellow of the IEEE in 2010. He is the director of the NVIDIA CUDA Center of Excellence at UMD and serves as the chair of the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee.

Varshney received a B. Tech. in computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 1989 and an M.S. and doctorate in computer science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1991 and 1994.

Go here to view Varshney’s academic publications listed on Google Scholar.



Varshney A, Kaufman A.  1996.  FINESSE: a financial information spreadsheet. Information Visualization '96, Proceedings IEEE Symposium on.

Evans F, Skiena S, Varshney A.  1996.  Stripe: a software tool for efficient triangle strips. ACM SIGGRAPH 96 Visual Proceedings: The art and interdisciplinary programs of SIGGRAPH '96.

He T, Hong L, Varshney A, Wang SW.  1996.  Controlled topology simplification. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 2(2):171-184.

Cohen J, Varshney A, Manocha D, Turk G, Weber H, Agarwal P, Brooks F, Wright W.  1996.  Simplification envelopes. Proceedings of the 23rd annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques.

Evans F, Skiena S, Varshney A.  1996.  Optimizing triangle strips for fast rendering. Visualization '96. Proceedings..

Xia JC, Varshney A.  1996.  Dynamic view-dependent simplification for polygonal models. Visualization '96. Proceedings..


Varshney A, Agarwal P, Brooks F, Wright W, Weber H.  1995.  Automatic generation of multiresolution for polygonal models. First Workshop on Simulation and Interaction in Virtual Environments.

He T, Hong L, Kaufman A, Varshney A, Wang S.  1995.  Voxel based object simplification. Proceedings of the 6th conference on Visualization '95.

Varshney A, Brooks Jr FP, Manocha D, Wright WV, Richardson DC.  1995.  Defining, Computing, and Visualizing Molecular Interfaces. Proceedings of the 6th conference on Visualization '95.

Varshney A, Agarwal PK, Brooks Jr FP, Wright WV, Weber H.  1995.  Generating levels of detail for large-scale polygonal models. CS-1995-20


Varshney A, Brooks FP, Wright WV.  1994.  Interactive visualization of weighted three-dimensional alpha hulls. Proceedings of the tenth annual symposium on Computational geometry.

Varshney A, Brooks, F.P. J., Wright WV.  1994.  Computing smooth molecular surfaces. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE. 14(5):19-25.


Manocha D, Varshney A, Weber H.  1993.  Evaluating surface intersections in lower dimensions. Second International Conference on Curves and Surfaces.

Varshney A, Brooks FP.  1993.  Fast analytical computation of Richards's smooth molecular surface. Proceedings of the 4th conference on Visualization '93.


Rhoades J, Turk G, Bell A, State A, Neumann U, Varshney A.  1992.  Real-time procedural textures. Proceedings of the 1992 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics.

Brooks FP, Airey J, Alspaugh J, Bell A, Brown R, Hill C, Nimscheck U, Rheingans P, Rohlf J, Smith D et al..  1992.  Six Generations of Building Walkthrough: Final Technical Report to the National Science Foundation.

Varshney A, Prins JF.  1992.  An environment projection approach to radiosity for meshconnected computers. Third Eurographics Workshop on Rendering.

