Development of interlingual lexical conceptual structures with syntactic markers for machine translation

TitleDevelopment of interlingual lexical conceptual structures with syntactic markers for machine translation
Publication TypeBooks
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsDorr BJ, Lee J, Voss C, Suh S
PublisherUniversity of Maryland

This document reports on research conducted at the University of Mary-land for the Korean/English Machine Translation (MT) project. Our pri-
mary objective was to develop an interlingual representation based on lexical
conceptual structure (LCS) and to examine the relation between this repre-
sentation and a set of linguistically motivated semantic classes. We view the
work of the past year as a critical step toward achieving our goal of building
a generator: the classification of LCS's into a semantic hierarchy provides
a systematic mapping between semantic knowledge about verbs and their
surface syntactic structures.
We have focused on several areas in support of our objectives: (1) inves-
tigation of morphological structure including distinctions between Korean
and English; (2) porting a fast, message-passing parser to Korean (and to
the IBM PC); (3) study of free word order and development of the associ-
ated processing algorithm; (4) investigation of the aspectual dimension as
it impacts morphology, syntax, and lexical semantics; (5) investigation of
the relation between semantic classes and syntactic structure; (6) develop-
ment of theta-role and lexical-semantic templates through lexical acquisition
techniques; (7) definition a mapping between KR concepts and interlingual
representations; (8) formalization of the lexical conceptual structure